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Hurley Wipeout 

Creative Conscious Silver Award Winner 

Roles: Art Direction, Copywriting, UX/UI, Strategy, Event Concept


Objective: For my senior thesis project I chose to bring awareness to the lack of diversity in the sport of surfing.


Solution: Hurley will run a campaign to tell the stories of POC surfers and bring them into the spotlight through a series of print ads, a microsite, and a pop-up experience. 

Case Study

Posters will be placed in urban areas that are located near the beach such as NYC, Miami, and LA. They will spread the wipeout racism, localism, and stereotypes messaging along with quotes from the featured surfers that will spread awareness.

KS poster.jpg

This microsite will be an extension to the Hurley website as a resource for POC surfers. There will be a chat feature where users can ask the featured surfers questions. Additionally, there will be a surf locater feature where users can easily locate surf breaks, surf shops, and even pools in their area.   

Pop-Up Experience

For the experiential aspect, we will have a Virtual Reality surf simulation set up in cities near the water. This will be an easy way to bring surfing to inner cities that may not be exposed to it. Participants can experience the thrill of surfing without having to make the commitment of registering for surf lessons. There will be a meet and greet with the surfers featured in the campaign, a raffle for surf gear, and lounge chairs for attendees to kick back and enjoy the music.

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